AKC Ch/ASCA Major Ptd Terra-Blue Somethin Wicked
Crystal Winds Bring It!! ROMX-I x Terra-Blue Can’t Have Just One
Bred By Emmy Adasiewicz
1/20/2013 - 5/31/2022
Lexi is my first Aussie and my heart dog. This amazing dog has sh’own me what this breed should be and more. My life altered course when I brought her home in March of 2013. I was just looking for an active companion and got so much more.
May 2, 2022
You only get your once-in-a-lifetime friend, once-in-a-lifetime.
For Nine Years this dog has been my heart and soul. I have never loved anyone or anything as much as her. My world has happily revolved around her whims and antics.
She has been my constant companion, my best friend, the heartbeat at my feet and the reason why there's never quite enough space on the bed at night...
In bringing Lexi into my life I entered a world that has changed me irrevocably and brought people into my life that mean everything to me.
And now it’s ending. Too soon. Too fucking soon. You’re never ready to say good bye to your heart dog. It’s never enough time. Time is the one thing that there will never be enough of. But nine years isn’t even close to enough.
Today I got the heart shattering diagnosis we all fear, the word that haunts every dog owner; Cancer. Hemangio Sarcoma. I’m not one to put things like this out on social media. I tend to keep my grief to myself. But I just can’t with this.
I want to rage at the world, but instead I sit on my bathroom floor. Waiting. Hopeless. Grieving. I don’t know how much time I have left with her. I know it’s likely <days, weeks if I’m beyond lucky. So, if I’m not responsive to messages or phone calls, please know, I see them, I just can’t.
She is leaving me, and taking a HUGE piece of me with her. I am forever changed.
She will never be; “Just a Dog”.